KB7Q 6m Es from Montana

2017-06-20 15:53z worked KB7Q (JT65 mode) from DN66DB Montana – Yellowstone County

Here some info from Gene website
DN65/DN66/DN85 6M Grid Trip June 19 – 24, 2017Equipment: Elecraft K3, pre-amp, KPA500 amp, 4 element Yagi and Honda 2kw generator.

Have camper will grid! Joyce and I spent a week kicking around eastern Montana and the very northwest corner of South Dakota. We were able to complete with several folks needing these rare grids. I’m glad I took my digital interface as there was plenty of action on JT65 and MSK144. CW was spotty, although I did get one decent opening where I could run ‘em contest style for about 30 minutes.Highlights: Working K1TO (Florida) on what appeared to be a dead band, and bumping K1TOL (Maine)  FFMA grid total up to 485 by working him from all three grids. Of course working IT9TYR made my whole week!

It was great fun to kick around this country before it got way too hot.

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